Anakin's lightsabers

Anakin's lightsabers

Anakin Skywalker is a very well-known character from the Star Wars films and series. His fighting style and symbolic transition from the light-side to the dark-side are legendary. In this blog, we want to take you through the different lightsabers and its significance in Anakin's story. So read on below to learn more about Anakin Skywalker's lightsabers.

Anakin's first lightsaber

Obi-Wan took young Anakin under his wing and began his training as a jedi. Under the guidance of his mentor, he soon built a simple lightsaber with a blue sword blade. This color symbolized his devotion to the Order and the strong bond that had developed between him and Obi-Wan. Then his development took a different turn.

If you are looking for the saber Anakin used during the Clone Wars, check out the KenJo Sabers Young Renegade

anakin skywalker clone wars lightsaber star wars

Looking for the saber which Anakin used during the trilogy also known as the youngling slayer, check out the KenJo Sabers Saga Royal edition

Anakin's transformation

Under the influence of Emperor Palpatine, Anakin was persuaded to join the dark-side of the force. In an effort to save his beloved from the dream he was given about her. After an epic battle between him and his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi, his original lightsaber was destroyed. In this moment filled with symbolism and metaphors, Anakin literally and figuratively left his old life and beliefs behind and accepted his new existence as Darth Vader.

Always two there are

As a new apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious (Palpatine), Anakin built a new lightsaber. This variant was given a deep red color that symbolized not only the dark side of the force but also Anakin's new role as Darth Vader.

A red lightsaber became a symbolic weapon for everyone from the dark-side. It is an expression of brute force, authority and ruthlessness against anyone who stood in his way.

Check out the Darth Vader-inspired KenJo Sabers Darth Renegade here:

Just before his death, Darth Vader found his way back to the Light-side and saved his son's life by defeating the Sith Lord. His lightsaber disappeared after this final battle, but its symbolism remains.

If you are interested in one of the Anakin or Darth Vader inspired sabers then quickly use the search bar on our website or and type in the character's name to find your perfect KenJo Saber