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On this page you will find links to online manuals and instructional videos for your saber.
If you have problems with your KenJo Saber we would like to solve it for you. On the troubleshoot page we answer the most frequently asked questions or common complications with corresponding solutions. We recommend that you review this troubleshoot page first. Does this not solve the problem? Please contact us by chat or email. Always mention your order number so we can take a quick look.
Base lit models feature a bright 12 watt bulb in the handle. This shines into the sword and causes the lightsaber to light up.
Neopixel and Proffie have a sword which is equipped with a double-sided LED strip along the entire length of the inside. This ensures that the light is much brighter than a base lit variant and also offers more lighting effect possibilities.
All soundboard types come with preset sounds and colors. The proffie variant comes with a 16GB SD card. On various forums you can find many sound effects and light effects to upload.
Below is an overview of the different soundboards offered by KenJo Sabers.
For a more detailed explanation of the various functions, we recommend reading this page first,
Most orders ship the same day! For current and complete shipping policies, please visit our shipping policies page:
The operation of your saber varies by soundboard type and in some cases also minimally between certain models. On this page you can find the appropriate manual based on your saber or soundboard type. In many cases the explanation is extended with video for extra explanation and demonstration.
Remove the black or clear cap from the flat side of the saber. Then carefully slide the blade/sword or plug into the handle until it meets the bulb. With a neopixel model, it is important that the pins are pushed down sufficiently. Make sure that the Allen screws do not block the blade on the inside of the handle. Then use the supplied Allen screws and Allen wrench to tighten the blade firmly into the handle. Also watch the instructional video on the troubleshoot page here
You bet! All of our swords are made of durable polycarbonate developed for lightsaber versus lightsaber duels. Always use common sense and be careful. We recommend wearing protective clothing and making sure you have enough space so there is no damage to the environment or other people.
Please note that RGB base lit lightsabers are best suited for dueling. Other soundboard type lightsabers have an LED strip in the sword which makes them heavier and more fragile. These models can also be dueled with, but we recommend soft to medium dueling to avoid damage.
KenJo Sabers come standard with 12 different preset colors. The colors can be easily changed by using the button on the lightsaber. It is also possible to choose your own color by letting the lightsaber slowly change color. Exact instructions can be found in the manual which comes with each lightsaber. Some models have different colors of handles / hilts. On the product page you can see in which color a lightsaber is available. If the model you want is sold out, we do not have it in stock. Would you still like to buy it or do you have another wish? If so, please let us know. It is often possible to facilitate a saber specifically for you.
I have seen a lightsaber replica of a Star Wars character somewhere else. Or, I'm looking for a specific lightsaber.
Each lightsaber from KenJo Sabers comes with a manual. This contains all the instructions on how the lightsaber works! Online you can find the most recent version Please note. Features may be added. If your saber has been around for a while, there may be more features described than your saber has.
Each lightsaber from KenJo Sabers comes with a manual. This contains all the instructions on how the lightsaber works! Online you can find the most recent version Please note. Features may be added. Has your saber been around for a while? Then there may be more features described than your saber has. If you have a premium neopixel saber then you can update it yourself.
The USB flash drive has an input for a Micro SD card. This card is inside the Premium Neopixel board. It is possible to update the board this way.
Each lightsaber from KenJo Sabers comes with a manual. This contains all the instructions on how the lightsaber works! Online you can find the most recent version The Proffie soundboard allows you to set your own effects, sound types and other effects. The possibilities are endless. Also check out for information and settings for your Proffie board. Please note that because the Proffie 2.2 soundboard is fully customizable it does require a bit more time, your own research and computer skills to master. Plenty of tutorials can be found on various forums and Youtube.
To create a dualsaber, you need two lightsabers that are designated "dualsaber ready" and a connector ring. To connect both sabers, unscrew the bottom of both lightsabers. The connector ring can now be connected to both lightsabers through the thread.
How nice of you to place an order! If there are ongoing discount promotions, please pay close attention to whether the terms for this promotion apply to your order. Check this page for clear instructions on how to use a discount code. Still have questions? Let us know!
There are various offers, promotions, discount codes and competitions active. For a current overview we refer to this overview.
For more information check out our full return policy:
Always report your return in advance via email or chat. Mention the order number in the message and the reason for the return. So you can be helped quickly.
Do you prefer a different saber or soundboard afterwards? Let us know in the message so we can quickly exchange your return shipment.
Always include your unique order number on or in the shipment so we can track it. Failure to do so may result in your order being lost or refunds being delayed.
Always report your return in advance via email or chat. We will find a solution together and share return instructions.
Send us an email at info@kenjosabers.nlofopen a chat on the website. We usually respond immediately or within minutes. KenJo Sabers always tries to respond within 48 hours on weekdays.
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