The ultimate color guide for your lightsaber

What does the color lightsaber mean and what color lightsaber suits me? The ultimate lightsaber color guide.

If you're looking for information about the different colors of lightsabers in the Star Wars universe and what they mean or which color lightsaber suits you, you've come to the right place. Below is a comprehensive article about the different colors of lightsabers, their meanings and which famous Star Wars characters use which color lightsaber. The article also includes questions the reader can answer to determine which lightsaber color suits them best.


A lightsaber is an iconic weapon from the Star Wars universe. It is a laser sword used by both Jedi knights and Sith. The color of a lightsaber is based on the kyber crystal used to build the weapon. Kyber crystals are powerful gemstones that absorb and store the Force. When a Jedi or Sith finds a kyber crystal and uses it to build his or her lightsaber, the lightsaber takes on the color of the crystal.

Star Wars Kyber Crystals for Lightsaber explained

The Jedi search for kyber crystals on the planet Ilum. They go through a spiritual journey to find the crystal that suits them. The Sith, on the other hand, often steal kyber crystals from the Jedi or find them in other ways. The process of building a star wars lightsaber is an important ritual for both Jedi and Sith because it connects them to the Force and their own identity as Force users.

What colors of lightsabers are there and what do these lightsaber colors mean?


The blue lightsaber is the most common color and is often associated with Jedi knights. It symbolizes peace, calmness and loyalty. Jedi who use a blue lightsaber are often dedicated to the Jedi order and strive to defend the truth. It indicates determination, discipline and a deep respect for the Jedi code. Well-known characters who have used blue lightsabers include Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Rey. Anakin and Obi-Wan both used blue lightsabers as Jedi Knights in the prequel films, and Rey used Anakin's lightsaber that was later used by Luke and thus was also blue in color.

If you choose a blue lightsaber, you are probably someone loyal to friends and family, and determined to keep the peace and do good. You have a strong sense of discipline and are willing to work hard to achieve your goals. Choosing a blue lightsaber means you are a determined Jedi, willing to fight for justice and peace in the universe.


The green lightsaber is often associated with the Jedi Council and Jedi who have a strong connection to the Force and symbolizes balance and harmony. Jedi who use a green lightsaber are often willing to learn and grow as a Jedi and strive for balance in the Force. Green lightsabers are also usually associated with Jedi who are focused on strength and harmony with nature. This is because the color green is reminiscent of the natural world and is therefore often associated with peace and balance. Jedi who use green lightsabers are often wise and thoughtful individuals. Well-known characters who have used green lightsabers include Luke Skywalker and Yoda. Luke received his green lightsaber after the destruction of his first lightsaber, and he used this color to emphasize his connection to nature. Yoda used his green lightsaber to emphasize his thoughtfulness and wisdom.

If you choose a green lightsaber, you are probably someone who strives for balance and harmony, and have a strong connection to nature and the environment.


The red lightsaber is associated with the Sith and symbolizes aggression, hate anger and power. Sith who use a red lightsaber are often willing to do anything to achieve their goals, even at the expense of others. Well-known characters who have used red lightsabers include Darth Vader, Darth Sidious (also known as the Emperor) and Kylo Ren. All are Sith lords who embraced the dark side of the Force.

If you choose a red lightsaber, you are probably someone who is drawn to power and control, even if it means breaking the rules. You are often impulsive and tend to let your emotions rule you. However, this can lead to strong inner strength and self-confidence. Choosing a red lightsaber means you have sided with the Sith and are willing to embrace the dark side of the Force


The purple lightsaber is associated with unique individuals who do not play by the rules. Jedi who use a purple lightsaber often have an unconventional approach to the Force and are willing to cross boundaries to achieve their goals. We know the purple color saber lightsaber mostly from Mace Windu. The purple color of Mace Windu's lightsaber came about because Samuel L. Jackson, the actor who played Mace Windu, wanted a unique color for his character. He asked George Lucas if he could have a purple lightsaber, and Lucas agreed. In the Star Wars canon, however, the purple color of Mace Windu's lightsaber has taken on a special meaning. It represents a unique and independent spirit, one that does not feel bound by the rigid codes of the Jedi Order, but still maintains his loyalty to the good and values the Jedi stand for.

In short, if you choose to wear a purple lightsaber, you are probably someone who is not afraid to go your own way and who is not constrained by traditions and conventions. You are a unique and independent spirit, but you are also loyal to the values that are important to you.


One of the more rare colors in the Star Wars franchise, the yellow lightsaber is often associated with Jedi temple guards and symbolizes sacrifice and protection. The yellow color symbolizes knowledge and humility. You are humble and willing to learn from others. You also have a strong connection to the Jedi Order and the values they represent. Jedi who use a yellow lightsaber are often dedicated to protecting others and are willing to sacrifice their own lives to save others. Well-known characters who have used yellow lightsabers include Ahsoka Tano, who traded in her green lightsaber for a yellow one after she left the Jedi Order, and Rey, who built a yellow lightsaber at the end of The Rise of Skywalker. In addition, yellow is the color of Jedi temple guards. Jedi temple guards are charged with protecting the Jedi temples and archives of the Jedi Order. Choosing a yellow lightsaber means that you are a loyal Jedi, committed to protecting and preserving the Jedi order.


The white lightsaber is associated with characters who have a past as Sith or Sith who have left their path. For Sith, the white color symbolizes purification and renewal. White lightsabers are often associated with Jedi characters who have stepped out of the Jedi path and want to make a new beginning. Jedi who use a white lightsaber often have a strong connection to the Force and strive for balance and harmony in addition the white color represents cleanliness, purity and purification. Famous characters: Ahsoka Tano (after she cuts her ties with the Jedi), Kanan Jarrus


The black lightsaber, also known as the Darksaber, is a unique weapon associated with Mandalorians and the Sith. It symbolizes strength, authority and aggression. The Darksaber is often used by leaders of Mandalorian clans and Sith lords. The black color is usually associated with the Sith and the Dark Side of the Force. The use of a black lightsaber indicates a very strong connection to the Dark Side. In Star Wars, there are a couple of famous known users of a black lightsaber, namely the Sith Lord named Tarre Vizsla. Tarre Vizsla was the founder of the Mandalorian Death Watch and was also the first Mandalorian ever able to build a lightsaber. His lightsaber had a black crystal that came from a temple on Coruscant. Later, his lightsaber was captured by the Jedi Order and became a relic kept in the Jedi Temple. Other well-known character Darth Maul, Pre Vizsla, Sabine Wren, The Mandalorian (Din Jarrin) Although it is unlikely that anyone in modern times would be able to create a new black lightsaber, wearing a black lightsaber could possibly indicate a dangerous person who adheres to the Dark Side.


An orange lightsaber is often associated with Jedi engaged in exploring the mysteries of the Force and gathering knowledge. Orange lightsabers are primarily associated with the Jedi Sentinel class. These Jedi are experts in researching and exploring the physical world. They often use their lightsabers to cut, tinker and even cut materials. A Jedi who uses an orange lightsaber often has an unconventional view of the Force and may be less focused on combat and more focused on exploration and adventure. One well-known user of an orange lightsaber is Jedi Master Plo Koon. He was a member of the Jedi Council and was often seen wearing his signature orange lightsaber. Another well-known user of an orange lightsaber is Jedi Master Yarael Poof.

If you see yourself as an investigator and a practical person, an orange lightsaber may suit you.


Brown lightsabers are generally associated with Jedi consulars, who are experts in diplomacy and peacekeeping. A brown lightsaber is associated with Jedi who want to live in harmony with nature and their environment. Jedi who use a brown lightsaber are often adept at surviving in the wilderness and are able to communicate with animals and plants. They use their powers primarily to resolve conflicts without using violence, although they can certainly defend themselves if necessary. A well-known character with a brown lightsaber is Shaak Ti, a Togruta Jedi master and member of the Jedi High Council. Her brown lightsaber symbolizes her calm and diplomatic skills.

If you see yourself as a peaceful person and someone who likes to resolve conflicts without violence, a brown lightsaber may suit you.


Gray lightsabers are often associated with Jedi who do not fully follow the Jedi Code, but also do not fully embrace the Dark Side. These Jedi are often able to balance the light and dark sides of the Force and use their powers to serve the common good and are less likely to be influenced by the Dark Side. A well-known character with a gray lightsaber is Jolee Bindo, a Jedi Knight who left the Jedi Order and lived in exile on the planet Kashyyyk. His gray lightsaber symbolizes his independent spirit and ability to chart his own course. Another well-known gray lightsaber in the Star Wars canon, namely the Jedi Master Kreia from the video game Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

If you see yourself as a person who doesn't like to be pigeonholed and is able to balance different perspectives, a gray lightsaber may suit you


Pink lightsabers are usually associated with Jedi who focus on peace and harmony. Jedi who use a pink lightsaber are often adept at diplomacy and have a great ability to resolve conflicts without using violence. One well-known user of a pink lightsaber is Jedi Master Adi Gallia. She was a member of the Jedi Council and was known for her ability to resolve conflicts peacefully. A pink lightsaber is rare and usually associated with female Jedi such as Ahsoka Tano and Mara Jade. This color symbolizes passion, love and friendship.

If you choose a pink lightsaber, you are probably a warm person who is emotionally involved with others and who strongly believes in the good in people. You may also be an independent thinker who chooses your own path rather than following the crowd.

Light blue:

A light blue lightsaber is a less common color and is often associated with Jedi clerics and healers. This color symbolizes tranquility, peace and serenity. If you choose a light blue lightsaber, you are probably a peaceful person who strives for harmony and balance in life. The light blue color can also mean that the owner of this saber is losing his grip on the force, for example, due to old age or pursuing other ideals. You are probably also sensitive to the needs of others and try to help them where you can.

Time for the decision aid questionnaire! What color lightsaber suits me?

Now that you know more about the different colors of lightsabers and their meanings, it's time to determine which color suits you best. Here are 13 questions you can answer to help you make a color choice. First, answer all the questions and then review the answers to match a color to your answer.

  1. What is your main motivation for using the Force? Are you focused on personal growth and development, or are you more focused on helping others?
  2. How do you handle confrontation? Are you willing to fight for what you believe in, or do you prefer to seek peaceful solutions?
  3. What is your conception of justice? Are you focused on punishing evil, or promoting good?
  4. How important is it for you to have a strong connection to the Force? Are you willing to invest time and energy in meditation and training, or are you more focused on practical applications of the Force?
  5. How important is your connection to nature and the environment around you? Are you sensitive to the energies and feelings of others and nature, or are you more focused on technology?
  6. How do you deal with fear and emotions? Are you able to control your fears, or do they tend to overwhelm you?
  7. How important is it for you to be a leader? Are you focused on leading others and making decisions, or are you more focused on following others and working together?
  8. How important is it for you to become a master of the Force? Are you willing to dedicate your entire life to training and developing your skills, or are you more focused on finding a balance between your strengths and the rest of your life?
  9. How important is it for you to follow your own path, rather than following the rules and traditions of others? Are you willing to take risks and explore new paths, or are you more focused on following established norms and values?
  10. How important is it to you to protect others? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, or are you more focused on protecting yourself and your loved ones?
  11. How important is it for you to maintain your own identity, even if it means being different from others? Are you willing to go your own way, even if that means facing opposition, or are you more focused on following the crowd?
  12. How important is it for you to have control over your environment? Are you willing to manipulate your environment to achieve your goals, or are you more focused on accepting things as they are?
  13. How important is it for you to know and understand the truth? Are you willing to seek knowledge and information even if it means facing the hard truth, or are you more focused

Meaning of Answers:

  1. Personal Growth and Development: Green - Green lightsabers are associated with Jedi who are focused on knowledge, wisdom and balance in the Force.
  2. Willingness to fight: Blue - Blue lightsabers are associated with Jedi who are determined to fight for justice and to maintain peace.
  3. View of Justice: Purple lightsabers are associated with Jedi who are willing to use force to fight evil, but are also able to forgive and heal.
  4. Strong connection to the Force: Yellow - Yellow lightsabers are associated with Jedi who are highly skilled in the Force and who focus on exploring the deeper levels of the Force.
  5. Connection to Nature: Brown - Brown lightsabers are associated with Jedi who have a strong connection to nature and life, and who use the Force to promote harmony.
  6. Dealing with fear and emotions: White - White lightsabers are associated with Jedi who are able to control their emotions and use the Force without getting carried away by emotions.
  7. Leadership: Red - Red lightsabers are associated with Sith, but if you are more focused on leadership this may be a sign that you are leaning more toward the dark side of the Force.
  8. Mastery of the Force: Orange - Orange lightsabers are associated with Jedi who use the Force to develop their own potential and are always looking for ways to improve their skills.
  9. Following one's own path: Black - Black is associated with Jedi who follow their own path and are willing to explore the limits of the Force.
  10. Protecting Others: Yellow - Yellow lightsabers are associated with Jedi who focus on protecting others and are able to sacrifice their own lives for the greater good.
  11. Maintain own identity: Gray - Gray is associated with Jedi who do not commit to a specific side of the Force, but who go their own way and follow their own ideas.
  12. Control over environment: Pink - Pink lightsabers are associated with Jedi who use the Force to have control over their environment and achieve the things they want to achieve.
  13. Knowledge and Understanding: Blue - Blue lightsabers are associated with Jedi who focus on knowledge and understanding of the Force and are willing to continue to develop their skills.

It is important to note that these questions are only indicative and there is no guarantee that the color lightsaber that suits you can be determined based on your answers. Choosing a lightsaber is a personal and individual choice that depends on many factors, such as your personal values, goals and beliefs.

Moreover, it is important to remember that using a lightsaber is not tied to a particular color. It is possible to choose a color that does not necessarily fit the answers to these questions, but is more in line with your personal tastes and preferences. After all, it is your own Star Wars lightsaber.

Finally, it is also important to remember that choosing a lightsaber does not mean that you are automatically a Jedi or Sith. It is merely a tool used by both Jedi and Sith to use their powers and defend what they believe. But there are also non-force users who have used lightsabers.

If you are looking for the appropriate color of a star wars lightsaber, it is important to choose one that suits your personality and preferences. Regardless of the color you choose, your lightsaber will be a symbol of your connection to the Force and an expression of who you are as an individual. Fortunately, at KenJo Sabers, you don't have to choose. In fact, all sabers are color changeable. Check out all the collections here:

The color of your lightsaber is an important aspect of your identity as a Jedi or Sith. It symbolizes your goals, emotions and approach to the Force. Now that you know more about the different colors of lightsabers and their meanings, you can determine which color best suits you. Whether you are a dedicated Jedi or a ruthless Sith, you can always choose the color of your lightsaber that best suits you. May the Force be with you!